Um jemanden zu bewegen,
muss man zuerst wissen was ihn bewegt.


Resilience & Mindfulness

A pre-condition for mindfulness is the ability to Listen to your inner voice. “Just this one challenge left I need to manage” we often tell ourselves; and “then I will finally have the time to take care of myself”. The thing is, that in the end even the yoga classes are squeezed in between appointments and other responsibilities. When you have gotten used to acting on pressure all the time, it can be one of the biggest challenges you have ever faced to get in contact with you inner emotional state. In todays society drilled for performance, one performance has been completely neglected – our mental performance.


Resilience & Mindfulness

A pre-condition for mindfulness is the ability to Listen to your inner voice. “Just this one challenge left I need to manage” we often tell ourselves; and “then I will finally have the time to take care of myself”. The thing is, that in the end even the yoga classes are squeezed in between appointments and other responsibilities. When you have gotten used to acting on pressure all the time, it can be one of the biggest challenges you have ever faced to get in contact with you inner emotional state. In todays society drilled for performance, one performance has been completely neglected – our mental performance.


Team Culture

Flat hierarchies, holacracy models, traditional approaches oder any other model one fancys, they all have one common ground – none of them works for ever, if they are not embedded in the corporate culture and do not give the opportunity to actually live the culture. What helps to differentiate what is worth the effort, is reverting back to a corporate cultures based on togetherness based on authentic values. We can use single or team sessions using the horses to create and define a space in which you want to work and move in the future. It will be a space in which our needs and wishes are heard and respected.



Employee management today is facing many challenges. Mostly, a lack of time to be able actually dedicated, results evasive reaction and coping mechanisms. How this effects employees, can be demonstrated and reflected with the help of horses. Together you will break open structures and introduce new impulses and intentions.

"Being with horses requires you to actually be there - with all your wits."
Being present.
Communicating clearly.
Regaining your Space.

Rediscovering all of this.
Book now


Resilience & Mindfulness

A pre-condition for mindfulness is the ability to Listen to your inner voice. “Just this one challenge left I need to manage” we often tell ourselves; and “then I will finally have the time to take care of myself”. The thing is, that in the end even the yoga classes are squeezed in between appointments and other responsibilities. When you have gotten used to acting on pressure all the time, it can be one of the biggest challenges you have ever faced to get in contact with you inner emotional state. In todays society drilled for performance, one performance has been completely neglected – our mental performance.